Thursday, June 13, 2013

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas Film Industry’s Meltdown

Steven Spielberg 
The famous directors, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, implied that Movies will struggle and the ticket prices will increase due to many big flop movies that will affect the upcoming blockbuster films.

Base on Spielberg’s interview that  " You're gonna have to pay $25 for the next 'Iron Man,' you're probably only going to have to pay $7 to see 'Lincoln.' "

George Lucas
Lucas added that cable television, such as HBO, are “more adventurous” compared to the films released. Yes  I agree with this statement, because recently like the Game of Thrones is more exciting to watch and the story lines are not predictable, and there are more tv series are like this.

And they also added this remarks: "I think eventually the 'Lincolns' will go away and they're going to be on television," Lucas said. "As mine almost was," Spielberg interjected about his 2012 big-screen film, "Lincoln."
"The pathway to get into theaters is really getting smaller and smaller," Lucas said.

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